Web consulting system
How To Become A Sought After Web Consultant And Get High Value Clients Systematically
Get $397 of High Quality Training for FREE
Web Consulting System Course
Certified web consultants work with small business owners who want their website to convert the maximum number of site visitors into profitable sales leads & customers
Here's exactly what you'll learn in this complete training course
The Web Consulting System course is suitable for complete beginners. So you don't need any prior website or business knowledge to successfully complete it. However, you do need a burning desire to learn and succeed.

This course is structured over 3 weeks of part-time learning. You'll need around 15 - 20 hours of learning time per week to successfully complete all the modules allocated for that week.

All lessons are practical activity-based and presented in web page format consisting of text and images (NOT videos). You can explore what's covered in each module by using the course summary below. Please expand each module as indicated by the plus sign ( + ) to see precisely what you'll be learning.

Course Includes:   26 Modules   155 Lessons
Week 1 - Website Basics 10 Modules     74 Lessons
In week 1 you'll learn the basics of how websites work within the Internet framework. You'll also discover the technical side of websites by looking at the fundamentals of website coding and the commercial web development environment. You'll get your hands dirty by diving into website coding as we go over the basics of HTML and CSS (the two main languages used for building websites).

Although web consultants don't have to code websites (we outsource it), you still need to have basic understanding of how HTML and CSS work. Week 1 modules have been specifically designed so that non-technical folks can easily understand and follow through.

Hi, it's Moe here. I'm the founder of the Web Consulting System. I'll be your tutor and coach throughout this course. You'll learn a bit about me when you join up for the free training. For now, let's see what you'll be learning to become a certified web consultant.

In this introductory module I'll explain why every small business owner needs the expertise of a web consultant. You'll also discover the scope of the web consulting market. I'll then show you what I had to learn to become a successful web consultant. I'll then show you proof of how I ended up developing 785 websites in my first 3 years of web consulting from scratch.

You'll then discover the reasons why you need to learn the basics of website coding, web hosting and domain name registration - even though we outsource most of the technical stuff.

I'll also give you a critical lesson on something I learned the hard way that completely redefined me as a business person. Under no circumstance should you start your business without first addressing this critical point. As one entrepreneur to another, I don't want you to miss out on anything that's vital to your success as a web consultant.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • Why small business owners need the expertise of web consultants
  • Who created this training course & why
  • Explore the web consulting business model & market
  • Discover how this course is structured over 3 weeks of part-time learning
  • Why web consultants should understand the basics of website coding
  • Why you must have full control of domain names & hosting server accounts
  • How to get the most from these lessons & make learning enjoyable
You'll find it more enjoyable and easier to complete this course once you've got proper understanding of where we as web consultants fit into the digital maze we call the Internet. In this module you'll discover how the Internet works and how websites operate within the Internet framework. You'll grasp the overall picture of how web pages get from the hosting server to your web browser seamlessly.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • How the Internet works from our perspective
  • What is a Client and an ISP
  • What is the Domain Name System (DNS)
  • What is an IP address
  • What is a web server
This module sets the computing groundwork for completing this course and also for starting your web consulting business. You'll download and install the code editor (it's free) that will allow you to explore website coding. You'll also take a peek at how I've setup folders in my computer that allows me to manage 4,000 plus websites in an efficient manner.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • Discover the type of computer best suited for web consulting
  • How to download and use a code editor
  • How to use an online code editor and understand its drawbacks
  • Why you should never use your web server's code editor
  • How to organize your computer for professional web consulting
  • Best practices for backing up websites
Here you'll discover the four main options for establishing an online presence and why one is far superior to the others. You'll also learn why web consultants never sell their time or service but something entirely different. Doing so has allowed us to become one of the highest paid professionals out there. Our unique strategy has also helped us attract clients who eagerly line up to do business with us. You'll then look at the structure of a custom made website by exploring its folders and files.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • Why website cost is almost meaningless to a sensible business owner
  • What is a custom made website and why I recommend it
  • The pitfalls of using Do It Yourself website building options
  • Explore the structure of a custom made website
  • Why PHP scripts are used in commercial sites
A website is made up of files and folders with the files primarily being individual web pages. In this module you'll look at the basic structure that make up a web page and how website folders are organized. You'll open your code editor and create a basic web page. You'll then view that page in your web browser. Using my step-by-step instructions and clear explanations, you'll be surprised how easy it is to create a basic web page.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • How to configure your code editor
  • Explore the overall structure of a basic web page
  • Look at the components of an HTML document
  • Create a web page and open it in a browser
  • Learn to view the source code of a web page
This module builds from the previous one and explores the structure of a commercial web page. You'll learn how files are linked to a web page. You'll also look at the important tags that define successful commercial web page code architecture.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • Understand how files are linked to a web page
  • Create a style sheet and link it to a web page
  • Learn about external style sheet links
  • The reasons why I avoid web frameworks
In this module you'll learn the basic building blocks of a web page. You'll also look at font sizes and how to link one web page to another. This module contains many practical activities to deepen your understanding of web page code manipulation using HTML tags.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • The basics of HTML elements and attributes
  • How to use heading and paragraph tags
  • How to link an image using the image tag
  • How two pages are linked using the <a> tag
  • Discover HTML lists
  • The importance of container tags
Web forms are commonly used on most websites so you need to have good understanding of how they work. I can almost guarantee that you've already used a web form today, perhaps without even realizing it. In this module you'll look at the components that make a web form work properly. You'll also look at form structure and tags that represent the various form fields the user sees in their browser.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • Why we need forms
  • How website forms work
  • Basic structure of a form
  • Main uses of the text input tag
  • How the text area tag works
  • How the select list saves you space
  • When to use radio button and checkbox
This module covers the fundamental way commercial websites are styled. You'll practice the basics of styling HTML using CSS. After completing this module, you'll have firm understanding of web page styling for professional layout and presentation.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • What is CSS and why we need it
  • How to style basic HTML elements
  • How to style class elements
  • The three main ways CSS can be used
  • How to style fonts, divs and forms
  • How CSS greatly improves usability
This module starts with a brief lesson on how I made the biggest mistake of my web consulting career involving responsive design (this is a biggie). You'll then learn the key principles of responsive design. You'll also practice responsive design principles by creating a responsive web page using my instructions.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • How tablets and smartphones have changed web design
  • What is responsive design and its best practices
  • The easy way to simulate different screen sizes on your computer
  • How to test a website on different screen sizes online
  • How style sheet is used to make a web page mobile friendly
  • Why box sizing property is a critical CSS declaration
  • What is a media only rule and how to use it in a style sheet
JavaScript allows us to program certain aspects of a web page once it has loaded into a web browser. In this module you'll learn the limited use we have for JavaScript and the things we should avoid using it for. Recently it has become fashionable to use JavaScript framework for virtually every aspect of web design. You'll learn why it's best to avoid this unnecessary trend and why you should focus your effort on things that actually add real value to your clients' websites.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • What is JavaScript and its relationship with HTML
  • The JavaScript trend you need to avoid falling for
  • How JavaScript is used in a website
  • The handful of ways we use JavaScript with our content
  • The most important use of JavaScript in our sites

Week 2 - Content Skill Set 8 Modules     57 Lessons
Week 2 thoroughly covers everything you need to know about creating result-producing content for a business website. I call this section the "meat" of the course. Most of the foundation information covered in week 2 is proprietary - not available from any other source.

In this module you'll discover what visitors actually want from a business website and the sole purpose of creating a business website. You'll also learn the definitive way to assess the effectiveness of any business website using my battle-tested Visitor to Lead Score (VTL Score) method.

When most people complete this module, it sends shudders down their spine as they realize how off the mark almost all small business websites really are when it comes to creating content that converts visitors into sales leads.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • How to exploit the unique advantage all small business websites possess but rarely use
  • The number #1 reason site visitors fail to become customers
  • How to get visitors to know and like a business almost instantly
  • How to create value to hook visitors emotionally
  • How to build trust with visitors when they haven't heard of a business
  • The key factors that show visitors that the business cares about them
  • How to use the VTL Score to assess the lead generating effectiveness of a website
  • How the KLV=T Principle mentally commits the visitor to becoming a customer
This is the longest module of the entire course and arguably the most concise and actionable copywriting training content ever written. I've read well over 10,000 pages on copywriting (it's my favorite business topic) and have distilled everything I know into this one powerful module.

You'll learn the fundamentals of human psychology in relation to spending money. I'll teach you the most effective methods of converting visitors into paying customers using the power of words. What you'll learn in this module about human behavior will help you anytime you wish to convince someone to do something. It's super useful and incredibly powerful stuff!

Here's what you'll learn:
  • Why copywriting is only the second most important skill for content marketing
  • How emotional triggers "force" people to react
  • How to use the Features, Advantages & Benefits selling method
  • The importance of using Unique Selling Point Benefits
  • Why content should always be written as a one-on-one conversation
  • The nine copywriting foundations that captivate the reader
  • How to use hypnotic and power words to mesmerize readers
  • How to use copy transition phrases to keep the reader interested
  • How to create headlines and subheads that instantly hook the visitor
Small business SEO is probably the most misunderstood topic amongst web designers, developers and content creators. In this module you'll learn the proven techniques I use to get my clients' websites ranked very high on Google without actually doing any ongoing SEO work.

I'll also show you how to make an extra 30% in fees from your clients for doing eight non-website related SEO tasks (these tasks greatly affect website search engine ranking).

Here's what you'll learn:
  • How to differentiate between paid and organic Google search results
  • The importance of appearing in the Local Pack of search results
  • The biggest secret to SEO that most experts won't tell you about
  • Why you must never sell SEO to clients as a priority
  • The major difference between local business SEO and general SEO
  • The double importance of meta data tags for SEO
  • How to use SEO Triangle Pages to drive organic traffic to a local site
  • Explore the SEO 3-Tier Strategy for writing effective title and description tags
  • How to write visible content that's rich in keywords
  • The seven simple factors that have cumulative impact on SEO
Website usability is usually an afterthought or not addressed at all when most small business websites are developed. In this module you'll learn the concrete usability principles that you must follow every time you get a website developed.

I take website usability very seriously so I've developed clear rules for you to abide by. These rules will enable you to create highly usable sites as second nature.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • Why you must stick to established conventions of web design
  • The three questions a visitor should quickly be able to answer upon landing on a page
  • What is designing for wayfinding and why it's so important
  • How to keep content predictable and what it does to usability
  • How visitors actually use the website as suppose to how we think they do
  • What the core principles of legibility are and why you must follow them diligently
This module will teach you how to analyze a business and develop profitable strategies like a qualified and professional business consultant. You'll learn my step-by-step method used to critically analyze a business so thoroughly that it leaves most business owners in awe.

Virtually every time I've conducted a market teardown session, I've had the business owner tell me that they've learned a lot more about their business in that short session when compared to all those years working in it. This is really potent stuff and the information you'll gather in this session will help you formulate the best possible content for the website.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • How to use SWOT analysis to gather valuable content for the website
  • How to rescue a struggling business by breaking the ETD-CN self-feeding cycle
  • How to use the Kaizen business concept to help improve efficiency
  • Why Relationship Marketing is the best way to retain customers for life
  • How competitor analysis can help a business strengthen its market position
  • How niche exploration can unlock hidden opportunities
This module breaks down the website shell into three distinct areas and teaches you exactly what should go into each of the areas to create an effective design. Website layout and navigation has to contribute towards the main goal of the website and should never be developed without a clear purpose.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • The key elements that make an effective layout of a small business website
  • How to develop logo and tagline that add value to the site content
  • What is the header action block and why it's so important
  • How to create effective primary navigation that works well on all screen sizes
  • The type of information that must appear in the footer utility content area
  • How to use the footer credential block area to add value to the site
The homepage can make or break a website but remains the most incorrectly designed page of almost all small business websites. In this module you'll learn exactly what to put on the homepage and what to avoid. Once you've discovered my definitive homepage content outline that actually works, you'll subconsciously start to critically analyze every small business website you visit from then on.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • Why you should never waste the space above the fold
  • The critical difference between tentative clicks and convicted clicks
  • The one and only objective of the homepage and why you must get it right
  • The power of the Nine-Four homepage content design to drive traffic to inner pages
  • How we use four different appeals to captivate visitor interest
This module will teach you exactly what to put in the inner pages of a business website to make them effective. I'll give you a definitive content guide for the Services page that converts visitors into sales leads incredibly well. You'll also learn about the path most site visitors follow when on a typical small business website thus allowing you to focus your effort on these highly visited and critical pages.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • How to structure content for the Services page
  • What type of content to use in the Specific Service page
  • How to create an effective About Us page
  • The dos and don'ts of creating effective Contact and Booking pages
  • The importance of the Frequently Asked Questions page
  • Explore the main supporting pages that complete a website

Week 3 - Business Expertise 8 Modules     24 Lessons
Week 3 propels you in the direction of launching your lucrative web consulting business. At the end of this section, you'll know everything that's required to start web consulting professionally.

This module completely demystifies domain registration and management. You'll learn exactly where to register domain names for your clients and the few simple steps required to configure them with your web hosting account. You'll also learn how to avoid a major pitfall most people fall into when registering domain names.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • Why you need to register your business domain name
  • Why you should never purchase domain names from your web host
  • How to register a domain name and configure it
  • How to point a domain name to your web server
  • Why you should choose your domain registrar carefully
As web consultants, we only have one web hosting solution that ensures an easy and hassle-free web hosting environment. Starting your business with the incorrect option will create more hassles than you bargained for. To make matters worse, signing up to a web host that becomes unscrupulous when things go wrong can literally ruin your entire business overnight.

In the early days of running my web consulting business, I went through a ton of grief trying to find a good web hosting solution. Since then I've ironed out all the problems and potential problems and now have a system that works perfectly for us as non-technical web consultants.

In this module you'll discover how we can manage thousands of hosting accounts with ease and at an incredibly affordable price. You'll also learn the step-by-step method non-technical people can use to easily setup web hosting for as many websites as needed.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • Why choosing a good web host is crucial for your business success
  • How to effortlessly host hundreds of websites using this simple setup
  • Why this particular web host offers the best solution for our hosting needs
  • The two precautions to take when signing up with any web host
  • How to log into your hosting account and configure it so that it works properly
  • How to create hosting packages and use it to create multiple hosting accounts
  • How to configure the hosting account for your clients and view web traffic
In this module you'll learn how and where to get your websites developed plus how to upload a website to the hosting server. The software we use for uploading a website to the server is free to download and is also quite easy to use.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • How to get your website projects developed using offshore web developers
  • Why you should build a lasting relationship with a good developer
  • What is wireframe and how to use it to create the outline of a webpage
  • The critical information you must supply to your developer to get things started
  • How to check completed websites for errors and mistakes
  • How to upload the website to the server so that it's live
In this module you'll discover the precise steps we take to generate qualified leads. The aim of our lead generation method is to have a stream of eager clients lining up to work with us. Ideally we would like to be able to pick and choose who we work with.

The best thing about this module is that I actually give you my personal lead generating tools for you to use. I've fine-tuned my method so well that at times I've inadvertently overcommitted myself with too much work (this is a serious problem that could lead to exhaustion and burnout).

Here's what you'll learn:
  • The exact steps you must take to generate qualified sales leads
  • How to assess a website using the VTL Score
  • How to generate sales leads using the VTL Score
  • The effective way to generate leads from businesses without a website
This module teaches you how to convert your leads into paying clients like clockwork. You'll start this module by learning how to create your market teardown document. You'll then learn how to conduct your strategy session with your prospects to get them seamlessly converted into high-paying clients.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • How to properly prepare for your strategy session
  • How to create your market teardown document
  • The best way to lead into the strategy session
  • When to invite the business owner to become your client
  • How to conduct the market teardown on the business
  • The types of photos and extra information you must gather at the session
Tests are necessary evil when it comes to ensuring you've actually absorbed what you've studied. Passing my Web Consulting System (WCS) test is the only assurance you'll need to qualify as a competent and confident web consultant.

Here's what you need to know about the test:
  • You should only attempt the Web Consulting System test after you've completed all modules of the course.
  • The test covers topics from all sections of the course so you'll be tested on lessons from week 1, 2 and 3.
  • To pass the test, you have to answer all the questions correctly. There are 23 multiple choice questions and you are allowed to attempt them multiple times to get them all correct.
  • This is an open book test so you're allowed to refer to the course material to find correct answers. I recommend you open the course material in another browser tab while attempting the test.
  • The purpose of the test is not to trick you with complicated questions. Instead, it's about ensuring you've properly absorbed what you've learned throughout the course.
  • The test should take around 30-40 minutes to complete but I suggest you set aside an hour, just incase it takes a bit longer.
  • After successfully passing the test, you'll be able to print your Certified Web Consultant Certificate of Completion. You can then also confidently start your web consulting business
After successfully completing the Web Consulting System test, you can print your well-deserved Certified Web Consultant Certificate of Completion. For your convenience, the certificate is A4 size and can be printed in grayscale or color using virtually any printer. You can also easily save the certificate as a PDF document.

Here's what you need to know about your certificate:
  • You can print your certificate after passing the WCB test
  • The certificate is A4 size and can be printed in grayscale or color
  • You can also easily save the certificate as a PDF document
  • The certificate offers you tangible evidence for your accomplishment
This final module teaches you how to kick-start your web consulting business from home. First you'll explore the basics of web consulting business start-up. You'll then learn exactly how to get your first client and get the ball rolling in your business.

Here's what you'll learn:
  • How to get the basics of starting a business right the first time
  • The best way to select an industry to target when starting your business
  • Why you need to create a client service agreement contract template
  • How to accept payments and the best way to structure your fees
As you can see, this is a very comprehensive course that covers everything you need to know about starting your own successful web consulting business from scratch. I've left no stone unturned. However, you do need to put in the work to become a sought after web consultant. So this offer isn't for everybody.

Becoming a Web Consultant Certainly Isn't for Everybody

Web consulting is perfect for those who enjoy helping others while getting well-rewarded for their effort. So you're invited to complete 1 week of training (worth $397) for FREE to see if becoming a certified web consultant is something you'd enjoy doing. Click on the link below to get started right now. I really look forward to training you.

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